Tuesday, May 3, 2011


Well my last blog I was talking about how running on Mondays was not my finest moment. However I have since overcome my Monday struggles. I ran yesterday for 60 minutes. That is the third time I had run this long. I have noticed every time I run an hour the distance I cover is a little farther each time.

I am now training for the Hospital Hill 10k on June 4th. I must say I am a little nervous about the race. Since I have started to train on hills I realized something. I hate running hills. I know hate is a strong word, and I repeat I hate running hills. Whenever I run hills my calves become tight or tighter depends on how far into the run I am. My calves are always very tight about the first 10-15 minutes of my run. I saw on  the Runners World  Facebook page quote for the day a quote i absolutely loved  it said: 

"What I learned from the miles of uphill my coach put before me was the simplest bit of math: The faster you run it, the sooner you're over it." - Sara Corbett, RW Writer at Large

I think that is a good philosophy. We will see how good when I run mostly hills on Wednesday. I think that if you push yourself up the hill hard you can recover on the downhill slope. I am open to suggestions from my runner friends.

I was also wondering some peoples suggestions on another subject...stretching. I was reading in my Shape magazine this month about stretching and it said you should not stretch before a run. It also said there is no evidence that this prevents injury. A year ago before I started running I would have said it is totally insane to not stretch before you run. However since I have started running I have really changed my mind. I have experimented with this, I have ran without stretching and I have ran after stretching and I came to a conclusion. No matter how much I stretch before a run my calves become very tight about 3 minutes into the run and remain tight until about 15 minutes into the run. After 15 minutes it really works itself out and the pain disappears.  I heard a saying at one time stating "if you feel good after a run you did not push hard enough because it is suppose to hurt." I can believe that. Running always hurts at some time. Ben told me last night when I was icing my knees "you are worse than a baseball catcher icing your knees." I told him "run for an hour and tell me how your knees feel." I believe he got the point :)

I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. It was a little tough on us. I enjoyed watching Addison  hunt for Easter eggs at three different Easter egg hunts, however I kept thinking how much fun Jase would have had searching for Easter eggs.  He is in the presence of the reason we celebrate Easter and that is a amazing comfort to me.

With mothers day this weekend I am going to try to keep busy. I am heading to moms house on Friday night to visit my grandparents. When I called my grandma last week and she had to ask "who is this" I realized it had been too long since I have seen them. One thing I have learned is life is too short and we are not guaranteed tomorrow. So a special trip to visit them is taking place. Saturday its back to Kansas City. Addison was invited to her first birthday party, and she is so excited. Saturday night is a night I have been looking forward to for a long time. One of my best friends Chelsi is coming and we are going to see Water for Elephants. I can not wait!

I am debating on if I should run the mothers day 5K on Sunday. We will see.

Happy Mothers Day

Addison and the Easter bunny

Easter dress

Addison and me before some egg hunting!

This is one of Jase last spring...he loved jumping on his daddys back.

Addison coloring some easter eggs

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